How Much to Control and How Much to Let Go, that is the Question.

How Much to Control and How Much to Let Go, that is the Question.

Long ago I heard a fable I heard a fable of a mother eagle laying two eggs. To help them hatch, one she barely pecks at all while the other she helps more than necessary. The baby from the first egg succumbs to the entrapment of her shell while the second loathes flying on his own for the rest of his life.

At a recent seminar on leadership influence, a bunch of senior managers raised questions on how much control should they exercise on their teams and how much independence should they grant. To me it was a matter of trust and space. I offered a solution that a leader needs to first offer trust in their talents and then offer to space to grow and, also, maybe fail. Every individual, every team member is different even though we all chase the same ball. A leader needs to hone his skills at assessing others, assessing I said and not “judging,” and then giving them that ever-increasing space.

This is true of teams of mono-cultural background or a multi-cultural background. I am sure the question on your mind is, Raju, what is difference between assessing and judging?

Let’s talk about that in my next post.

Raju Mandhyan



I am doing two open to public events in the Philippines this January. Come, join kayo!

Graphic Facilitation for Trainers:

Storytelling for IAF Philippines:

Then will be in Mumbai for a series of in-house events from Feb 05 to Feb 25, 2016.

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