Five ferocious insights that spell business success
The cognitive business skills for starting, running, and succeeding at a business venture can be gleaned from books and learned from business schools. But there is no entity that can equip an entrepreneurial candidate with what economist Joseph Alois Schumpeter rather romantically described, back in 1912, as “the will to conquer, the dream and the will to found a private kingdom, and the joy of creating, of getting things done.”
If you are:
- yet to experience this joy of creating and getting things done,
- yet to live the dream and exercise the will to build a private kingdom,
- holding back from fear of failure, possible pain, or an unwanted price,
then this book is guaranteed to get you off that lukewarm zone of indecisiveness filled with fear and anxiety. It will stir up your will and incite you to blaze a trail of action and success.
It will, assuredly, ignite the fire in your belly such that people from far and wide will come watch you burn!