Five Questions on Sales Coaching

It has been an interesting day one at the 5th HeART2HeART Sales Management & Coaching workshop at the Ascott in Makati, Philippines. Though I have talked many times about the various aspects of coaching at several venues still the questions that come up from a brand new audience create brand new opportunities for deepening and broadening my understanding of the field.

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Coaching and Mentoring


As I am about to walk into another session of HeART to HeArt Sales Management and Coaching, a thought enters my mind saying people will ask me the difference between coaching and mentoring. It is a common question because many are still learning and will always continue to learn new disciplines.

Coaching is when you work with a ‘client,’ not a ‘coachee’ as many refer to the partner, to help him achieve a specific set of goals in a specified area within a chosen period of time ad with the outcomes having a measurable and beneficial impact on the client. In coaching, a coach does not teach, does not instruct, and does not impart any part of his own beliefs or choices at work or in life upon the client.

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Sales Coaching, a Calling

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The real value underlying coaching others, especially your sales teams, is the fact that while you are helping, guiding and nurturing others into being their own best and unleashing personal resources for personal success, is that you as a coach, as a leader learn thrice as much. These are just three of the things that happen to YOU when you coach others:

  • Your own insights into the finer nuances of selling skills multiply exponentially.
  • You become a more cautious and a careful person and develop an uncanny ability into seeing what others need, what others say and how others express themselves.
  • You also learn to assimilate information in a dynamic and a holistic way.

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26% at 3 Hours Per Month, Per Sales Rep

The three major ingredients for expanding and increasing company wide sales are:

1.) Flawless Sales Planning
2.) Employing and Deploying Slick and Self Motivated Sales Personnel
3.) Training and Coaching everyone on the Team and beyond.

Of these three ingredients for expanding and increasing company wide sales the least understood and executed well is the discipline of coaching our sales forces.

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